Grof Breathwork (also known as Holotropic Breathwork) is a way to engage deep inner work in a non-ordinary state of consciousness simply through the breath. It is a beautiful modality for those who want to work through their own material in a safe, supported, and substance-free way.
Grof Breathwork includes 2-3 hours of guided breathing, accompanied by specific music and bodywork. The combination of intention, breathing, and music, can enable unconscious material to come to the surface for expression. There can be release of emotions and traumas held in the body, re-experiencing of events from our life (even our own birth), visions and connection to the transpersonal, connection to our ancestors, spirit guides, or inner wisdom. Many people experience profound release, insights into their life and patterns, and greater sense of safety and connection to themselves.
This particular form of breathwork was created by Stanislav and Christina Grof in the mid-seventies. Stan Grof, M.D. has spent most of his 60+ year career exploring the healing capability of non-ordinary states of consciousness (NOSC).
Breathwork Groups:
This form of breathwork is optimally practiced in a group, wherein people can receive the many benefits of the group field and also share in each other’s experiences. I am not currently leading public groups (I’m still in training for group facilitation), but I would be happy to connect you with those leading groups in the Bay Area - just ask.
Individual Breathwork Sessions:
Sometimes a group doesn’t feel like the right fit, especially when you’re just dipping your toe into this deep work! Particularly for those with sensitivities or who may want extra support, an individual session can be a great way to start out. An individual breathwork session lasts about 4 hours; we’ll start out with getting you settled and prepared, then I’ll guide you through a 1.5-2 hour breathwork session, and we’ll conclude by discussing the meaning within your experience and how it can be brought into your life for lasting change. Please contact me for more information.